Contact Qeep Logistics for Reliable Global Freight Delivery

Why us?

The logistics company “QEEP LOGISTIC” is pleased to offer you its services for the delivery of goods and provision of reliable logistics. We take care of every stage of your business, providing quality and timely solutions for transporting goods.
Our advantages:
Expertise and Experience: Our team has in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of logistics, allowing us to find the best solutions for your needs.
Safety and security of cargo: we use only proven vehicles and experienced drivers to ensure maximum safety of your cargo.
Convenience and comfort: our company offers a door-to-door delivery service, relieving you of the need to look for transport or organize delivery yourself.
If you need high-quality and timely delivery of goods, contact us! We will be happy to help you and offer the best solution for your situation.

Trucking headquarters

company information

7-111 Martin Ross Ave,
North York, ON M3J 2M1

+1 716 671 4807